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BJD crafts gallery
Here I'll be gathering some of the customizing work (face-ups, blushing) I've done on my own BJDs, some of the selfmade outfits, woodwork I've collaborated on with my father and other completed BJD related crafts projects. Click on either the photos or the titles below to view the galleries.
My face-up equipment:
- Schmincke soft pastels
- Derwent watercolour pencils
- Winsor & Newton acrylics
- Mister Super Clear matt UV-cut sealant
- Vallejo Game Colour acrylics and varnishes
- Citadel gloss varnish
- Citadel Purity Seal Satin varnish
My sewing machine:
Singer Brilliance
My cameras:
Canon EOS 100D
Canon EOS 1200D
Canon Ixus 115 HS
Canon Ixus 132
Nikon Coolpix S52
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