Custom Blythe Project #1 Cherry PART 3
The diamond files arrived!! I was able to finish the carving on Cherry today. Unfortunately still now sign of her body or her eye chips. How frustrating the waiting is!! I would just like to get her back together already. Impatience is kicking in.
Here’s my diamond file set. It looks good to me. I also bought some cord for the pull string. I went with white, simply because my little town has nothing but white and I sure as heck didn’t want to start ordering that too!
Here’s my workspace and my starting point for today:
I worked for a good hour again using the diamond files and then I took a look at the carving work with the magnifying glass (see pic below), that I’ve got on the desk lamp and I could see where the knife has slipped.
I hoped to be able to sand it all nice and fine, but I’m afraid some scruff was left there. At the moment I’m not skilled enough to get it as smooth as I’d like no matter how hard I try. But I sanded some more. I also continued to work on the ears, but can’t get all the shine out. Bugger. Oh well, I’m cutting myself some slack, since it’s my first time and I’ll rest my case.
I also did the so called boggled eye fix, that her eye lids will lift all the way when her eyes are open. I sure hope I carved enough in that spot...
I’m declaring her ready for face-up. Here she is modeling with her hair on and her face carving ready:
Here’s a very silly, quick sketch I made of Cherry while pondering upon her face-up. I doubt that she’s going to look anything like this, but it was fun to draw for a change. I may have underestimated the size of the head here and I’m very skeptical about the lower eyelash design too. I don’t think I’ll go that mod with her, but it worked in the drawing so I left it there. Hehe! Monty was also drawn there of course. ;)
Next step is to paint her eyelids and do the face-up. I've done many many BJD face-ups, so I'm fairly confident with this part of the project. More to come in PART 4! ;)
I’ve gotten such wonderful support on Flickr and from my family with this project and I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and enthusiasm!