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Custom doll #19: Sebastienne

My 19th custom doll is in fact more of a collaboration doll! This was something really special to me. I wanted a steampunk themed doll, but as I'm utterly incapable of sewing for this small a scale, I joined forces with my seamstress friend. She designed and made a whole set of Steampunk outfit pieces and accessories for my girl, whereas I did the usual customizing on her. I do have to say, she surpasses my expectations, and this mainly because the clothing items my friend made are just beyond STUNNING!!!

Ok, so let's get to the main event herself. Here's the carving work. This actually took me less than an hour to carve and sand - the fastest I've ever been and yet I'm pretty pleased. Granted it's not the most ambitious or most complicated of the carving works I've done, but I have to say my technique and my use of the tools are a lot more efficient now than they used to be. The sanding work is pretty ok in my own eyes at least and I got there the kind of mysterious smirk I wanted to. I lifted up the whole mouth a bit, leaving her with a bit more of that chin. Her nose got the works, I flattened it quite drastically. I took quite a bit of stuff out of the cheeks and the area surrounding the mouth.

Sebby of course got steampunk gear eye chips as well. Her face-up is quite subtle and I used a light colour palette.

And here is the whole girl now in her custom steampunk outfit pieces: hat, apron and bag. There's still a dress for her in the works and I've already got a brown top for her and some hair accessories.

This is the longest and hardest I've ever worked on eye lids. Sebby of course needed gear eye lids, so I took great pains (literally) to draw some there. I'm not sure how cool they are, but oh well... I tried my best. I have a hard time getting used to drawing on the curved surface.

She also has a blue set of eye chips. Her body is the regular Sweetiger type body, not modded.

I kept this yellow pair of her original eye chip sets...

... as well as these brown chips. They work just great with her outfit and colouring.

And then just some extra pics:

Some details of her amazing custom outfit. I'm so lucky to have such a talented friend!!!! :D

So, here she is: Sebastienne a.k.a. Sebby!!!

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