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Custom Blythe #1 Cherry – Eye Chips and Room Box

Cherry’s eye chips from Argentina arrived!! They’re Ana Karina realistic resin chips from her Etsy store and they’re gorgeous quality with a potent colour and a lovely finish. My Cherry will be very very happy with these and they go well with her new look. I took a “buy 4 get 1 free” offer from Ana Karina. Cherry got 4 of the eyes and one bright green pair was left for future custom Blythes to make use of. Ana had included great instructions on the use of her chip in the package.

The chips from Ana are a pressure fit and at first I thought they’d stay in just like that, but in the end, I thought better of it and glued them a bit so that they don’t fall off at an inopportune moment. I used Elmer’s glue, which should be safe to use with resin and that I’ve often enough used with my BJDs with good results. I put a very little bit of the glue with a needle on the top rim inside the eye socket. I made sure to apply it as far as possible on to the inner edge, so that the glue would not pour out from under the chip and mess up the eye ball. Too bad I was so absorbed in my task that I forgot to take a picture of it. It was easy to put them on thought.

Then I did some filing on the T bar to get a bit of an up-roll for my Cherry. I had already carved the eye mech for the boggled eye fix earlier. I now attached the new pull string for the sleepy eye function. When I inserted the eye mech back in her face plate, I noticed the lids were not closing properly. I knew to expect this, because of the additional layer of paint on the eye lids, so I did a very little bit of carving on her eye sockets, so that the lids would move smoothly there. I may have even taken of a bit unnecessarily much, but oh well, live and learn. Getting the eye mech back was easy enough. I’m not going to post a tutorial on this because there are such great one around. All you need to do is just google “Blythe sleepy eye” and you will get a ton of great results. A Huge thank you to those hobbyists for their time and effort to help their fellow Blythe customizers!! These are the two awesome ones I used:

Cherry look pretty awesome with her new eye chips! Here’s a collage of her new eye set. I love how she can have half closed eyes and sleepy eyes now too!!

My room box is also coming along. I did some drawings with measurements for my carpenter of a father last week and soon enough we headed to the local department store for some plywood from the model airplane section. We found some nice stuff too, plus all the other ingredients to get started on the room box. The frames for it we had in our own wood stashes. It didn't take long for my crafty dad to create the folding screen exactly as I'd drawn them. They are just marvelous!! I could not be more pleased. I could not resist taking some test shots with my Blythes already even though I've not even attempted to do the finishing or painting on them. Here are some test shots I took with it:

The window words beautifully and gives so much more depth to the photo. At the moment the finish looks more like a barn and less like a room, but I will attend to that eventually.

I can fold the walls into crazy many different shaped rooms.

The views can change according to the mood and interiors. It'll be an ever changing room on many levels. :)

Now, I'm still waiting for that body for Cherry and my custom doll #2 Ailis to arrive! ;) More to follow hopefully next week!

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