My 1st Ever Custom Blythe is READY!!!
Cherry's body arrived and my first ever custom Blythe is ready!!! I'm so excited about my new girl and I do have to say, I've totally enjoyed this process. I learned so much and mustered up the courage to do things I'd never tried before. This was a very unique experience and I will forever treasure my little Cherry for that. I've also worked some more on my up-coming custom Blythes. Here are the last photos of Cherry's customization process. I drove to pick up her body from the post office this morning and immediately set to get her back to gether.
The Jointed Body - A Brief Review The jointed body is not a genuine Azone Pure Neemo one, mind you, but the Chinese version made specifically to fit the Blythes, with a neck knob that does not require modding to work with the Blythe head. It was super easy to attach the head to the body and it's very sturdy there. The head does not tilt to the sides or front, but it's a good solid "no no" head.
It feels good to handle, doesn't seem to have any obvious flaws that I would've detected so far. It's well balances and stands without the huge Blythe head on it's own even. The joints so far hold well, but I'm already expecting them to loosen over time. That's just the way the body is designed and I don't know if there's a way around that, but I'm hoping it'll be good while before I need to think of replacing it.
The joints function funkily. They're not like your average fashion doll joints, but they have a completely unique contruction. The body feels soft and solid in the hand. I'm well pleased with it. I shall have to photograph it properly some more and have Cherry pose for me in order to know just how I get along with it in the long run. I have 10 sets of extra hands waiting for Cherry as well, that should give her even more expressive potential in the photos. I'll present those later. I was too eager to even remember those at this point. Hehe! Cherry Is Ready! Well, I put her back together, which in her case, turned out to be really quite easy. I had to change the places of two of the screws for a better fit, but that was the only little thing to adjust. I put the heavy cabochon dangling from her sleepy eye string so that her eyes stayed open better and now they do perfectly. They will stay closed as well when I pull the other string, that is still waiting for the silvery blank cabochon to arrive. Eye mech seems to work to perfection!
She's alive!!! I'm holding my very first custom Blythe all dressed up and ready in my hand! Here Cherry meets the gang:
Cherry's First Photoshoot Here are already some photos from Cherry's first photoshoot outdoors! She photographs and poses like a dream!! I'm super happy with her!! Now I'm surer than ever that these dolls really work for me and I'm just going to go ahead and build that army of Blythes. I'm totally in love these dolls. Hehehe!
Custom Blythes #2 and #3 update Last weekend I did some more work on custom Blythe #2 Ailis as well. Here she is ready for her face-up now:
I also drew a sketch of my custom Blythe #3, Prunella. She will be a honey coloured, light tan skin like Ailis, smiley summer girl with freckles, inspired by Sarah Kay illustrations. She will be the poster girl for the new boy caps I love so much and she will get a jointed body as well. I'm off to spending some more quality time with my Cherry! See you later!!