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Custom Blythe #7: Shirley Arrives!

Shirley the Princess arrived a couple of days ago!! She’s my first properly classic blonde Blythe. I chose one with bangs and a long, almost ankle length hair, the jointed body and normal skin tone.

Shirley's jointed body is a particularly good one. No bent parts or lose joints! It's also thanks to the proper shipping box and careful packaging by the seller. Sometimes the poor packaging seems to result in problems with the body.

Shirley's head is pink skin tone so there's a slight difference with "normal" skintone body. I feel like the white Blythe heads match the jointed body better. It's not going to be a problem though, because she will get sanded, which lightens the skin tone some and with the new face-up I will spray her with Mr Super Clear sealant which also will create a lighter hue to her skin. Some blushing and clothing will distract the eye from the slight difference as well, so it's not a problem.

To my surprise, she also brought with her the B-set of the extra hands!! I had not noticed any mention in her auction about that. They would appear to be a gift from the seller. I much appreciate them!! They will come in handy now that I have a couple of these jointed normal skin girls.

Her hair feels like saran. She also has some gel in her hair like Jessica, so she’s going to need a bit of a shampoo and conditioning treatment. I lovelovelove the colour! It’s exactly what I was hoping for: a shiny lemony tone of blonde.

She brought 4 different colour classic eye chips: two different tones of pink, light blue and these pretty brown ones, that I’m sure to use for someone. I forgot to take pics of the other eye chips.

Shirley has one rather a unique feature about her. Her eye lashes are blunt cut, stronger and thicker than on my other girls. This gives her her very own special look. I knew she had them when I ordered her and it was one of things that drew me to her. However, at first I was a bit apprehensions about them when she arrived in my hands. They were quite a bit shorter than I’d anticipated. They’re like half the length that my other girls lashes are. I was wondering how they would work for my “princess”. I was weighing my options there: whether to change the lashes myself, buy another eye mech, buy another girl and swap the eye mech between them or to keep them. In the end I decided to keep them for her. She’s a princess, not only on the outside, but of her personality. Also the lashes do have that wonderful thick look about them, which I’m starting to actually like for her a lot. Why not!! I’m just keeping them!

I hope to start working on her this weekend! More updates then!

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