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Custom Blythe #7 Shirley is ready!

My princess, little Shirley, got finished! I'd been working on her little by little the previous 3 days already and was all geared up to do this blog post yesterday also, but the connection was again poor and had to abandon the mission. Today the connection is working a lot better, so here goes!!

On Saturday I did the sanding, body modding, face carving, haircare, boggled eyes and eye chip removal. In terms of carving I went with a rounder nose and slightly pouty lips. I took a lot more stuff out from around her mouth. I left the lower lip a bit more prominent than I've usually done, but made it thinner.

I wanted Shirley to be quite child-like, so I started modding the chest flat on her jointed body. I ran out of steam though in the middle. It's a tough job and all the carving and sanding takes a toll on the neck and shoulders, so I left it kind of half way. It's considerably flatter, but not completely flat like with my Prunella and Mona. Oh well, it'll do! With clothes on, you won't see much of a difference and this already allows for way more clothing options.

So on Sunday, I started from this kind of a pile of pieces:

I set everything ready for working on her face-up and eye lids first:

For a face-up, I wanted something frosty pink, rather pale and natural. I wanted to see a hint of a smile and a certain amount of princess-like attitude in there. She got a lot of pink blush and slightly pink nose tip too. Here's how the face-up turned out then:

I did some inspirational and completely not planned drawings on her eye lids and added a touch of shimmer on them. It's a bit of a Narnia in there, but I think it kind of suits her. Hehe!

Shirley got to keep one pair of her original eye chips, the brown ones. I only had these Sabparos special eye chips for Shirley for now. I'm still waiting for some Strawberry Dolls eye chips from Brazil for her. So for now, she only has 2 sets of eye chips in and I'll add the rest of them when they arrive (and I'll do the classic eye chip collage in a separate blog post for her then, hehe!).

Here she is!! The last of my summer 2016 custom Blythes is finished!!


Shirley already had a little photoshoot. She got a cute pink bag with a dinosaur plush toy as a welcome gift. She likes everything girly and pink, being a real princess. She believes in fairy tales and visit Narnia as often as she can. Her pull charm is a unicorn cabochon (forgot to take a pic of it just now). She wants a proper princess dress some day and maybe even a little tiara if we can make or find one for her.

And as a bonus, Shirley with Prunella and Jessica. It was raining, so I sat the threesome down on the terrace for a couple of pictures.

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