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New Dolls New Doooolls

I imagine that title being sung just like Gene Kelly et co. sang New York New York in the good old musical. Hehe! I received last week a good load of all kinds of Blythe related stuffs! My very first Middie Blythe arrived, my first ever Icy doll as well and a couple of new girls for customizing (I'm considering prepping some of them for adoption).

These two girls look to have an Azone body. It's definitely not the same larger chested Sweetiiger body that I've usually have on my girls. I forgot to take a picture of the dark brown haired Blythe. She has the flat chest body that they call "boy body" (without man parts, it's a little girl body to me! Hehe!). These two girls have already gotten disassembled, initial sanding done and eye popped out of the mech. They're ready for carving next! :) I might start with my Icy here.

Meet my first Icy doll! She will be called Ming and I'll keep her myself. She will probably not end up with this midnight blue hair, because I have other plans for it ( steampunk girl called Sebby). This Icy baby will get an Asian look and a dark brown hair and dark eyes.

This one I bought to fix her up for adoption, but... but... she's so darn cute. I may have to see if I can let her go or not!! Hehe! She might just turn into Ethel's sister Merryl...

This is a huge loot of stuff that just arrived yesterday. I got Voony Shop outfit pieces for my Neos, some shoes and boots from Coolcat for them to share with my Pullips and my first ever Middie Blythe with her red Voony dress and 2 nice backdrops from Dream of Doll on Ebay.

I'm so pleased with the footwear loot. Ever since the Groove dolls and Shibajuku Girls moved in, my Blythes have been lacking in the shoe department. These ought to fix that situation a bit. The blue boots are meant mainly for m Pullips though, because they happen to be a really great fit for them.

My Middie, I call her Kerry, is proudly presenting her Voony outfit. This girl is going to need a de-shine treatment on her face, perhaps resulting in a new face-up. I think for my first Middie, I'll leave her sculpt be and keep it as original, as is my way. The new Middie I'll then do the whole customizing thing. :)

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