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One year, sixteen dolls!

It was mid April 2016 when I took the plunge and ordered the first little big head dolls, after having admired my Flickr friends' dolls for a good long time. From the moment I held Marnie and Fern in my hands for the first time, that late April on the front terrace in the afternoon sunshine, I knew it was love at first sight! Hehe! Nothing had quite felt so right in a long time. As much as I love my BJDs and admire their sublime beauty, there was something warm and inviting, familiar and endearing, about the Blythes that really struck a chord with me. Well, it was a roller coaster ride from there on! Already for my third doll I took on an OOAK project and the journey to the eyeboggling world of carving and customizing started! I was hooked and here I am, one year and 16 dolls later, reviewing all that's been accomplished.

I've learned so much when working with these dolls. I used to think I was an absolute lost cause when it came to sculpting. I genuinely did. I had tried it before and the results were atrocious. I've always been able to draw and doing face-ups/repaints for dolls has been easy enough, but sculpting was hard. The carving aspect here as well intimidated me a lot and I was sure poor custom girl #1 Cherry would end up with a monster of a scratchy and dented face. Hehe! Turned out though, somewhere along the line, my 3D eye had developed to the point that I didn't think the results now were all that hideous. Encouraged by the experience with Cherry, I delwed into the world of carving head on and took on more and more challenging things. Last week, I did my first open mouth girl with teeth!!! :D Now I'm actually harbouring the idea of making my very own doll from scratch some day and it doesn't even seem like such a completely outrageous thought anymore. :)

So here they are, my little big heads, my thirteen Blythes, 2 Icy dolls and 1 Jecci Five.

The collection in this gallery are sorted into their arriving order. You can click on the pics to see better!

I must confess, I still have a good many more of them planned! There will an Icy boy, an AA girl, a mahogany haired tan girl, Henrietta's twin sister, a couple more Blythe boys and a steampunk girl... at least... I've decided to just accept the fact that I will probably drown in dolls and their stuff one funny day, but I figured, that's not such a bad way to go. Hehehe!

Here they are, in their own closet home. There are still a couple of seats left and a similar closet underneath this one, that might need to get cleared for future little big heads... ;)

Thanks for popping by to see my collection!!!

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