New Idol body! Werewolf boy?

Impldoll has a new banner photo with some very exciting news! They're coming out soon with a new Idol male body and a fantasy Idol guy. Both news have generated quite a bit of interests in the hobbyist community and I'm absolutely riveted by it myself.
The prospect of a new version of the Idol body makes me very curious. Already the existing Idol body is gorgeous in proportion, pose-ability and aesthetics. I can hardly imagine how they could improve upon it and certainly I'm hoping Impldoll will keep the current Idol body in their selection for those of us who really like it as it is. However, I'm anxious to see what modifications have been done.
My only minor complaint with existing Idol male has been the legs. They tend to fight you somewhat when posing and I'm putting it down to the hidden joints. As pretty as they may be, the traditional hip joints with the slot in the front for the strings to go through do work better. I custom ordered those old type hip joints for my own Idol boys, because I demand a lot of my dolls pose-abilityways. I'm hoping Impldoll with give us a choice in either hidden joints or traditional joints in the future.
I'm also speculating whether this new body will feature the under pecks joints done up like the popular Ringdoll Grown boys for example. The scar tissue shown in the W.I.P. photo is probably not going to be in the human version. Provided that there is a human version of course! It's possible this is a fantasy body with hooves or claws or what not!
The doll itself then - what is he? Is he a werewolf? He's definitely some kind of a beast! Impldoll is one of the few companies out there coming out with innovative new ideas and they're not afraid of trying out things like molded hair or sculpted facial hair. I'm thrilled to see more fantasy elements coming into the Idol line. With all the different skintones available, the prospects for customising this new fellow are just limitless. I admire the skillful sculpting of the head and the hair, but I wish there was a "bald" version of this guy so that the hair could be changed.
Is there going to be a human version head to go? I certainly hope so. The features of this creature show great promise for a human face as well. I certainly would not mind adding a shapeshifter into my collection. I will be intriqued to see how Impldoll will choose to style him and how they will create his face-up. Will there be a grey skintone promo or is this just an early model? Time will tell. Personally, I'm very interested and can't wait for the release!!!
(Photo courtesy of Impldoll. I have gotten permission to use any Impldoll photos on my fan site)