Featured: Mirodoll 72cm body
You don't see Mirodoll's big and burly 72mc body around much, so I thought I'd do a little feature on it.
Here's my Mirodoll 72cm body with a Jared head in its full glory nude:

The back is long and manly, which is something I appreciate about it personally. Too often BJD male dolls have pathetically short backs and too long legs. I'm aethetically drawn to the footballer type slightly bow legs of this 72cm Miro. I much detest the knock-knees of my EID boy. Hehe!
The measurements:
Height: 72cm
Neck Circumference: 13cm
Shoulder Width: 20cm
Chest Width: 12.5cm
Arm Circumference: 11.5cm
Wrist Circumference: 6.5cm
Arm Length: 22cm
Chest Circumference: 35cm
Waist Circumference: 25cm
Hip Circumference: 29.5cm
Length from waist to ankle: 40cm
Leg Length: 35cm
Upper Leg Circumference: 19cm
Lower Leg Circumference: 14.5cm
Ankle Circumference: 8cm
Foot Length: 9cm
Foot Width: 3.2cm
The net weight of the doll: 2.38kg
Mirodoll 72cm body size and shape ways very similar to Iplehouse EID and Impldoll Idol, but with narrower hips and broader shoulders. It's got classic superhero proportions so to speak. Soom Idealians and Granado Evols would be around the same size too. I don't have them (yet! hehe!), so can't say much about them unfortunately. The 72cm Mirodoll body is very heavy, perhaps slightly heavier yet than Impdoll Idol or EID. Here's a comparison of it with the Impldoll Idol body with Impldoll heads on both. Mirodoll 72cm classic normal skintone on the left, Impldoll Idol in real skin on the right.

The Idol head + Miro72 combo looks and works ok, but the Impldoll Idol head is not a perfect match for the Mirodoll 72cm body's neck. The Mirodoll 72cm neck is very flat at the top instead of rounded, so the Idol head does not rotate normally on it. I haven't tried my Iplehouse Victor head on it, but I'll update here if I do.
Mirodoll's resin in nicer than Impldoll's in that it's nowhere near as shiny. It's more matte and easier to photograph. I often want to spray my Impldolls more matte, but Miro doesn't have that problem. The resin is smooth and nice.
Legs and arms work ok, but room for improvement there. The knees work pretty normally, but the elbow joints are cumbersome. The hip sockets for the legs seem spacious and you'd think he would not hold poses there very well, but my guy has been able to stand really quite sturdily regardless. He sits in a perfect 90 degrees angle, which is something I can't say for my EID boy.
The ankle joints look weird but do the job. They hold just fine, but I do prefer to have him wear boots or socks to cover the odd gap there. The wrists also look a bit off, really thin and as is common with Miro bodies, the wrist movement is minimal. This could indeed be improved on again.
The mid torso joint does not function properly at all, so there would be something for Miro to work on in the future. It can be moved, but it looks bad and does not smoothly slide forward or backwards. I never use it. It might as well not be there as far as I'm concerned. The lower torso joint works ok.

Posing ways the Mirodoll 72cm body is not brilliant. It's stiff and only does very basic poses. Out of the three EID, Idol and Miro72; Impldoll Idol is way superior in posing. It's completely in its own league compared to the two others.
These are some of the pics I took of the 72cm Apollo for Mirodoll doing some posing. He can do these kind of basic poses ok, but I would forget about trying anything too ambitious.

I appreciate the difficulty in making bulky resin forms pose well and that's why the slenderest balljointed dolls are the most agile, but this Mirodoll 72cm would have potential for better posing if the joints were tweeked a bit by the company. I've tried to improve the posing now later on with hot glue sueding and wiring, but not much much was achieved. The elbow joint does hold better now after the procedures. :)

Mirodoll 72cm body takes almost all Soom Idealian/EID sized outfit pieces, so dressing it is no different from other 72cm big muscle guys. There are some options around. Some shirts are a bit tight around the shoulders. Places to shop for Miro 72cm boys are Iplehouse EID section, Impldoll's Idol sized clothes, Freedom Teller, you can get some custom sized clothes from Alice's collections made for Idealian size, Soom Idealian outfits, Aliexpress and Ebay have stores that sell Idealian sized clothes. Etsy is always a fantastic resource for clothes and there are some EID clothes available there. Shoes need to be Idelian or EID sized too. Here are the mix and match pieces I've used in the Mirodoll promos on this body:

HEADS for the 72cm BODY

Mirodoll offers the 72cm body at the moment with three heads: Apollo, Hector and Jared. The 72cm Hector and Apollo heads are LARGE! They take 9-10 wigs. Jared head is only available in one standard size, closer to the smaller versions of Apollo and Hector that are available for the smaller 1/3 scale Miro bodies. The smaller Hector and Apollo heads are not yet available to be purchased with the 72cm body, but I'm meaning to find out if they could be made so, because proportionately, they'd be a better size for it. Here's a comparison of the bigger and smaller Hector and Apollo heads.

Big Hector and Apollo heads take 16mm eyes, and I prefer oval for them. Jared takes 12-14mm, I prefer 12mm for him.
* Mirodoll 72cm body - starting price 320USD, often 10% sale price offered at 288USD, many skintones available
* Impldoll Idol body - 3 versions available, starting price 330USD, many skintones available
* Granado Evol body - starting price 567USD, many skintones available
* Iplehouse EID body - can't be bought separately, starting price for a blank full doll 720USD
* Soom Idealian body - can't be bought separately, starting price for a blank full doll 750USD
Resinsoul, 5Stardoll, Angelsdoll, Loongsoul and many other companies have big and quite muscular 70+ guys too, but they're a bit more slender in built usually.
If you're not all that much into posing, then Mirodoll 72cm is the most affortable option in the big muscle guy department. Impldoll Idol however is not much more expensive and their FGB version poses really well and even the SGB is good. I don't know about their newest one TGB. The other options are much higher in price then already. Granado is offering though their Vin version of the Evol body, which is a lot better priced again, but as a vinyl mechanical doll, he's off topic in the resin realm of things.
Mirodoll 72cm boy's frame is a handsome one. Aesthetically, I almost prefer it to the other muscle guys around. I love the broad shoulders, the narrower hips, the manlier legs. It looses in posing ability to some of the other 70+ muscle boys, but is more affortable and can still do basic poses ok.
I hope this helps anyone thinking of purchasing the Mirodoll 72cm body! :)