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Mirodoll Gallery

Sweet Rain.jpg

With the arrival of my custom grey Mirodoll 68cm Rain, I've found a brand new object of passionate interest! Sweet Mr Rain has completely and utterly won me over!

I'd bought two Mirodoll 1/3 girl bodies autumn 2014 for my DIM Gretl and Elfdoll Eun-a heads and had been well pleased with them. So much so in fact that eventually I ventured on to get one of their male bodies as well, and while at it, I popped into my cart one blank Rain sculpt on a bit of a whim. I received my order last January, but the weathers allowed me to do Rain's face-up only just last week.

To be completely honest, I did not have too great expectations for my Rain. I had planned on using him just as an extra head for some outdoors photography ventures, considering his low price range. But surprise, surprise... Rain has proven an amazingly versatile and interesting subject for photos and stylings! He has totally stolen my heart. He personafies 100% the versatility and tranforming ability that I've wanted this website to showcase and emphasize! Therefor, I have decided to include Mirodoll into my features and I already set up a gallery for my dear Rain.

Mirodoll is still starting out and their actual full dolls have not gotten as much exposure yet as they would deserve. Many Mirodoll customers seem to do as I did at first and buy mostly their very affortable bodies. Knowing what I know now though, through my beautiful boy Rain, I'm starting to think there's much more potential to the full Mirodolls than I gave them credit for and much to be explored!!

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