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Head count

Maukka's SD Boys collage.jpg

Listing my dolls to the "dolls" category of this website has been quite the undertaking and it has made me review all that I've accumulated over the past 5 years. My collection has become so large that I'm having to re-process it all. I've needed to check on the dolls arrival dates and such for their files and I'm slowly but surely updating all kinds of information on my dolls here. I even made these type of mugs collages of my different scale girls and boys to take it what it is that I actually have now. I never sell or give any of my dolls away, so that's not an option, but regardless of the fact that half of my dolls are just heads, I'm starting to face storage issues.

I felt like it was time to re-evaluate this hobby altogether and I did a proper head count among my collection. The subtotal of heads comes down to 100 at the moment (3 still on the way). Obviously, I don't have nearly as many bodies, since my dolls make use of the select ones that I have. However, I have so my many sculpts now, that I have decided to close my collection. I have a huge and highly varied collection that should satisfy my doll desires for forever! :) There will always be new beautiful and tempting dolls, but I can't have everything. The qualities that the dolls poses in terms of what kinds of styles and themes they can portray are just repeating themselves for me at this stage. I know, you've heard it all before and come the next tempting doll... Never say never I suppose, but I'm really genuinely trying to stick with my decision now at least for a good loooooong while.

My January DZ order has now arrived in full with even my event doll Big Dipper included. Impldoll Chad(s) and Adela are yet to arrive. It's been 3,5 months now since ordering in mid February. I paid in full immediately and my dolls don't have face-ups or anything, so I'm a bit gutted that it's taking this long for my order to ship, while at the same time Impldoll is shipping April layaway orders!! Part of the reason for quiting buying new dolls, is that I'm somewhat tired of the obnoxious waiting game, the lies, the slight anxiety that always sets in after the due delivery time has long expired and you're wondering if you're going to get anything for all those hundreds of dollars you spent... Oh well, once these last Impldolls arrive, I won't need to worry about any of it. I'll just be exploring the infinite potential of my own collection and I'm quite excited to embark on that journey! :)

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