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In The Zone

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I've been in the "zone" lately, inspired by my brand new DZ Minas, but also my good old Dollzone gang. For the last couple of years DZ has been in a frenzy of discontinuations of their older sculpts and bodies. I was very upset at first by this development, because Dollzone was my first love before I ever went into the more realistic style dolls. Back in 2010-2011 I was mostly into the more anime type BJDs and the Dollzone old aesthetic appealed to me greatly. Mo was the first DZ doll I ever ordered and Megi and Aimi soon followed.

Now with the 1/3 boys discontinued as well, DZ has done away with most of the sculpts that made me love them. I had time to collect a good bunch of them, but I still sourly regret missing out on Morphoa, Yuu, Floy and a good many others. It took me a long time to warm up their new style and direction. It was only really the release of Minas that made me think, I'm not hating the new aesthetic after all. I can understand that a company and artists would want to follow their intuition and let go of the old. I've myself done that often enough with my music or visual arts. I know a lot of people will miss the old sculpts though and look back on the old days with nostalgia. I very much among them. However, the old days are not over! They are still here, in the form of all those lovely dolls I did have time to collect! :D

I've started out by giving my darling Shoyo a bit of a makeover. She had a face-up by me, but I was never entirely satisfied with the work I did on her. I liked the style I gave her, but she needed some more shadow around her eyes, more blush on her cheeks, clearing the lines and just a bit of an overall enhancement. Now, I think she corresponds with my current vision of her and she's been a lot of fun to photograph!

Kimi, Mo, Megi, Hallie and Aimi have also gotten some photo time and there are new photos of them in the DZ and BJDMix galleries. My gorgeous 1/3 Wei Xiao Bao needs some more attention next! Along with my new Minas, it's time to celebrate those DZ older sculpts that I did manage to secure for myself. I still love them to bits and I want to re-accuaint myself with them. I can embrace both the old and the new!! :)

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