I've been working most of last spring and this summer on Mirodoll lovelies. I've been customising the promo dolls and taking photos for the Mirodoll website. They're little by little updating their site now and the photos are starting to appear there. Now that I've again taken the official photos of lot Mirodoll lot 2, I've gotten to take some pics of them just for my own amusement. I wanted to do a group shot of my Mirodoll family! I've only got one of each body and the heads share them, so I could only have 6 of them there (Annie, Iris/Orlando and Yaya are missing). I've added a series of photos from this shoot to the Mirodoll gallery!! I can't say how much I'm enjoying my Mirodolls. They have such personality and I love to photograph them!
Willa (my Mirodoll Wind) is wearing a new outfit I made. The pink top can be used as a skirt too and she also got a frilly white knee length skirt. I trimmed her princess cut wig for this photo shoot as well and she's looking the most lovely to my eyes she's ever looked. Lightning is a fierce warrior elf lady, but she tried to fit in and got dressed in another lacy wonder. Lili's outfit is also made by me apart from the adorable ram hat, which is by Angel Garden. Thunder is the new male addition to my Mirodoll family and he's already completely won me over. Grey Rain is of course still the man - he'll probably always be my biggest favourite! :) He's the one after all, who got me this amazing experience with Mirodoll!