Here is finally my Impldoll Chad in white skin with the new type scarred Idol body, the one I ordered back in February. This guy arrived almost 2 months ago, but it took me a while to get around to doing his face-up. I also have the beast head and I wanted them to be two versions of the same guy, so I thought it better to work on them simultaneously. Yesterday I had great weather, no distractions and spare time, so it was a perfect moment to dig him/them up. This is the human version here... obviously. So, without further ado: meet my Chad!
This new version Idol body is nowhere near as good a poser as the older one. I knew to expect it, but I went with this one anyway because of the cool scars and just to get some variation as well, since I already have two of the older type body. Chad has a great tilt of the head in all directions though, which is great.
For me white resin is a bit daunting to work with and I wanted this guy to look manly, yet pretty and young. I'm pretty pleased with the result. His yeti version is still waiting for its turn in front of the camera. I still need to do some finishing touches on the yeti outfits as well. Human Chad is all ready to rock and roll though and I do have to say, I'm very much liking him!! :)