My Mirodoll Iris continues her modeling career with a fashion shoot featuring plastic bag couture! Chalyss on DoA happened to remark last week that Iris would probably look good dressed even in a plastic bag. Well, obviously I could not resist the challenge and wanted to see for myself how could she look wearing a plastic bag! Heh!
I dug up some plastic bags early in Saturday morning. I went with a yellow and orange local pharmacy one, a big white pet shop sack and a black Seppälä clothing store plastic bag. I also had some eletrical, normal clear tape and scissors. That was all I needed. I made a slip for Iris from the white plastic bag to make sure she doesn't get stains on her resin and then just started draping and taping the "dress" on her. I wanted a nice silhouette all couture style and I wanted her gorgeous model like figure to be show cased in this plastic creation. To enhance the slightly industrial feel of the dress, I added a metallic necklace and white boots with metal chains. I seem to love my Iris as red head, so she got an auburn hair and amber eyes combination. It was jus too much fun!!! I totally recommend trying this!
Iris was such a trooper during the fashion shoot too. She stood like a rock in her impressive 70cm height without any support (mind you, she has not even been sueded yet!) and modeled the plastic bag dress with such grace and elegance, that I was quite stunned. She's definitely a born model, very unique among BJD girls.