2 Collaborations!!!

I have two amazing and talented friends in this BJD hobby that I feel so lucky to have made the acquaintance of: Looloo and Maryam of Eastern Light Studio. I’ve been engaged this past week or two in collaborations with both of these two beautiful artists! With Looloo we’ve been working on Halloween themed photo collaborations and with Maryam, I’ve had the privilege to lauch one of her new BJD products in my photos! You can image the fun I’ve had!!
Looloo and I have done photo collaborations before with some of our dolls that can be seen in the Visitor’s gallery of this website. We plan the themes to do together via e-mail, I take some photos of my dolls with a backdrop, sent them to Looloo and she edit photos of her own dolls there and adds fantastic effects and details to our joined work. This month we took on some Halloween themes. We already posted a triplet of photos starring Looloo’s Ringdoll Dracula Laszlo and my Dollzone Minas, who played old vampire friends getting together for a night of reminiscience and frollocking: drinking and dancing in the moon lit graveyard. We have 2 more set of photos to release yet. Looloo uploads them to her Flickr photostream (LINK: https://www.flickr.com/photos/loolooz/ ) and I publish them here at the same time. Stay tuned for the new collaborations this weekend!! Here's a photo I'm particularly proud of with Laszlo and Minas dancing in the graveyard:

With Maryam, I had the opportunity to launch one of her new BJD products on my Flickr gallery. It’s the faux fur fox rug stole that I received as a gift with my poseable art doll wolf, Noos. I was very inspired by the stole and a new character as well as whole story started to unfold with my Impldoll Gnaeus. The series of photos are set in a fantasy realm, where animals are mutating into humanoids, yet retaining their original animal-like qualities as well. Gnaeus is a fox, that has shed his skin and transformed into a half a man. He still carries his old shell as a part of himself and he is more powerful a being now with the strength and cunning of both fox and man. The photos can be seen in my Impldoll gallery here, my Flickr stream and in Maryam’s sales ad at Etsy for this fox rug stole. Maryam's items are always amazingly detailed and well crafted, I was totally blown away by her work once again. It’s so worth checking out Eastern Light Studio if you need something tribal, fantasy-like, historical or otherways totally unique for your dolls: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EasternLightStudio .

Thanks to both Looloo and Maryam for the fun I’ve had over the past couple of weeks and I hope we can do this again!!!
Thanks also to my dad who has made the gorgeous cane my Gnaeus is holding there. We're working on a collection of BJD weapons and other small items right now and a blog post on those is will coming soon!
On another front: I've just paid off my Impldoll layaway and waiting now for my Bernice and Aiden + Vanessa and Tank heads loot! I hope it's not a 5 month wait this time around. And my Eastern Light Studio black panther, in the likeness of the literary panther Guenhwyvar by R.A. Salvatore is in the making and I've made the 1/2 part payment for her too! Yay!