I've added a new section to the website called "useful info", updated the American BJD gallery and done a face-up for my Impldoll Young event gift doll Adela!
I've added a new gallery and section where I'll gather some comparisons with my BJDs, posing guides, hybridizings + other head and resin parts swapping experiments, resin match charts and some such things I think might be useful for someone and just for my own reference as well.
The American BJD gallery has been updated with new pictures. My poor AmBJDs have been neglected for a long time ever since my favourite American BJD artists Paulette Goodreau disappeared from the radar and the AmBJD Yahoo group I used to frequent was discontinued. I still miss chatting with my American BJD hobbyist friends from there... However, I'm determined to re-acquaint myself with my American bjds, jazz up some of their face-ups and get them all back in action. The AmBJD gallery will be featuring my 1/6 and 1/4 Goodreau and Creedy BJDs and even my Ashton-Drake bjd-hybrid doll Delilah Noir. :)
My Impldoll event gift that came with my Chad, the lovely Young line Adela, has finally gotten a face! She had to wait around for a while because her first face was pretty badly scratched in transit and Impldoll sent me a new one then. But here she is now all ready to rock and roll with a face! I'm pretty pleased with the way she turned out. :)