I won the Dollmore photography contest Sept-Oct 2015! I received 100 dollars worth of points in store credit as a prize. The winning photo was one called “Resin Roses” featuring my Dollmore kid Torrie and my Dollmore model Skylar wearing identical Dollmore wigs and skirts I made for them last summer. I entered it on a total whim and did certainly not expect to win, but I got a mail from Abby at Dollmore yesterday and website had my photo featured as well. What a wonderful surprise!!! I’m so excited. I’ve already been planning on how to best spent my winnings. I’m thinking I might use it towards a Dollmore kid Momo boy!
Another amazing surprise waited my this morning when on my Flickr photostream I noticed I had gotted explored! This photo of Willa (my Mirodoll Wind) wearing her pastel Lolita outfit was invited to Explore and got a crazy amount of views and more faves than I’ve received before.