I have no unifying, eletrifying title for this post, so it's just a Sunday Special now. LOL! Just random ponderings.
Still waiting for my Impldoll order, but I wasn't expecting it yet anyway as I only paid the layaway off mid October.
Bernice fever is rising thanks to my friend Maryam's lovely Bernice photos on the Flickr. Can't wait to explore how the Impldoll Baby is as well, since Aiden is coming as the event doll. He will be my first Impl tiny.
My Eastern Light Studio black panther by Maryam is ready and paid off too! She will probably ship soon!! Can't wait to set up some Drizzt and Guenhwyvar scenes with her and my Soom Heliot.
I've been playing around with my Willa (Mirodoll Wind) on the 70cm Miro body and been very inspired. She seems to rock any style. I thought I preferred her black haired and on the 62cm body, but I stand corrected! I prefer her with any colour hair and on this 70cm body now hands down.
I did it! I spent my Dollmore photo contest winnings on their kid doll Momo boy! I've been eyeing him for 5 years and now this win finally enabled me to buy this super adorable boy. He's coming in normal skin and blank. The only drawback was the outrageous EMS shipping of 63USD. For an MSD doll that seemed a tad much, considering I've been able to get huge Soom SDs shipped for less from Korea. Hmm... of well, at least DM sponsored almost half his price for me, so I can't be complaning. ;) The 1/4 scale is clearly making a comeback for me..