Dollmore Box Opening and NEW face-ups
I got my Dollmore Kid Momo last week!! He's the one I used my DM photo contest winning store credits on. I have been dreaming of this little boy for years and now he's finally here. :) He does not fall short of expectations, but is about as lovely as I ever hoped he'd be.
Without further mindless babbling, off to the box opening itself:

Neatly packed, well wrapped, everything nice and orderly! The doll box itself has a gorgeous picture on top.

Really luxurious feel when opening the inner box! I like the dark red ribbon. He was wearing the acrylic eyes and undies that were included in his price and the wig next to him in a plastic bag. I also got a DM calendar, a t-shirt and an extra blond wig as gifts from Dollmore. I'm VERY pleased with everything! :D Momo is strung pretty tight and his arms want to jut outwards a bit, so re-stringing must happen soon, but other than that, he's pretty perfect.

A couple of comparisons! Momo is close in size to my Doll Family-H Arthur (yellow resin 2011) and close in resin tone to Impldoll pink (represented in photo by Impldoll baby Aiden).

I did his face-up yesterday. I think it turned out ok and I got him looking the way I had planned. I was running low on lashes and had to go with this set that is perhaps a bit heavy for him, but oh well. He can go wtih these for now at least.

I also did the face-up for my Impldoll Star girl Bernice. This is the head that was mysteriously missing from the Impl parcel and the company had to resend it to me. Well, it's here now safe and sound. I had a vision about Bernice, of how I wanted her to be, but I do have to say... she looks nothing like I had planned. ROFL! I did all the things I'd planned, exactly as I'd planned, but they had unexpected effects on this sculpt. They kind of ended up altering the sculpt's natural forms in a strange way. Technically I'm pretty pleased with the result. The mouth I'm almost proud of, but her overall look baffles me no end! LOL! Don't get me wrong, I actually really quite like this look and she's going to get to keep it, but I'm just mystified as to where those signature Bernice features disappeared...

Here they are my newbs: Momo and Bernice! :)