Mirodoll promos and DZ zest!

Mirodoll Promos
Mirodoll Hector and Xmdoll William finally got their face-ups last weekend. I had to wait out bad weather, a cold and all kinds of random irritating delays, before I was able to start working on the last two boys from the Miro load 3. I was somewhat apprehensious about Hector initially and worried quite a bit about how he would come out looking, but turned out his was a fun face-up to do. His strong features guided the hand wonderfully and in front of the camera he turned into a VERY charismatic fellow! The camera positively loves him and lighting makes such a difference with him. He totally captured my imagination and he transported me to another era with him. Mirodoll is releasing smaller versions of both Hector and Apollo compatible with their 60, 65 and 68cm bodies (a lot like Orlando in size!). I've had a preview of them and they look GOOD!!! I'm just dying to get Hector on the 68cm body in light tan now. Darn it!
XMdoll William is a gorgeous old school bjd boy and he was an absolute joy to work on as well! He's beautiful like a dream and photographs so well. He's so nicely balanced in proportion, the resin glows and he poses amazingly, that what's not to like! I highly recommend this boy to anyone who's into the classic style BJD! I made him to a young prince of boy and he got to pose with my Eastern Light Studio cat Kelsier for his first set of promos. Here's a leftover pic from that shoot that I didn't edit for Miro:

DZ zest

<------ This guy here has been the pain of my existence for the last couple of weeks since his release by Dollzone. It seems that every single year DZ will produce a doll that I fall for. I find this new 60 scale body just gorgeous and Gray's sculpt really appeals to my aesthetic eye. I love the styling too. Default face-up with the moles is not to my liking, but other than that.... LOVE him! However, I'm trying to work him out of my mind. I simply can't get every single doll I love the look of and when DZ Raymond is not that far off from this style, I can't really justify getting Gray....
I did however order mid January this DZ Robin's outfit. I thought it was very fine and I hoped it might work on my Raymond, but I'm starting to wonder if it'll be a fit after all. DZ is also vacationing and not replying my questions. Oh well... I sure hope they get around to shipping this outfit soonish, it's been a month already.
I've been struggling with my Raymond's body quite a bit. I find the slim 70cm type body difficult to photograph, pose and use with BJD furniture in general, so I've been looking into other body options for my boy. I tried him on my old style Super Gem body. The resin match is by no means perfect. Raymond's head is way lighter than the Soom body, but I love the proportion and the stronger neck for him. He looks at ease with it and the posture is less tense. I'm considering an Impldoll old Star man body for him in the future and selling the 70cm DZ body off... But I'm still mulling it over. I just love this sculpt so much and I'd want him to have the perfect body. Maybe then I'd get that darned Gray off of my mind too!