Yesterday, I did one of my most challenging photo shoots ever! I’d been planning an Impldoll group shot for a while and last weekend, all my 14 Impldolls and Impldoll hybrids came together for a big photo session. I still have a couple of heads that did not make it to the shoot, but that’s still most of them! I even did little Impl Baby Aiden’s face-up and blushing on Saturday, so that he could join his kin. It took me a short forever to get everyone dressed and groomed for the shoot, but it was tons of fun too seeing them all together.
From left to right top row:
Old Star Tdelia, Idol Tony, Idol Gnaeus, Idol/Miro72 hybrid Marcus, Idol Chad
Front row left to right:
Young Avery, Young Devin, Baby Aiden, Supermodel/Miro70 hybrid Vanessa, Young Adela, New Star Azalea, new Star/Soom old SG hybrid Nelson, new Star/Miro62 hybrid Bernice, Idol/ Doll-Family A hybrid Sophia male
*Here are then some more pics from the shoot:
Nelson and Bernice made such a cute pair! LOVEd these two together!
Here are my Impl kids, in their wonderful different resin colours: Avery is normal tan, Devin grey, Adela white and Aiden pink. Devin and Adela were not allowed to use their unicorn horns in this shoot, because I was worried they’d get lost in the hassle. The magnets are a bit lose on them. They look cute even without their signature horns though… ;)
Tdelia decided to pose with Gnaeus for a photo:
Here’s the newest trio of girls, that usually share the one Star body. Today they are all hybrided with bodies though. Azalea got to be on the default body. From left to right: Azalea, Vanessa and Bernice:
The other hybrids are here. First were have the Miro 70+ hybrids with Vanessa and Marcus heads on top. They make a super tall and majestic couple. Then we have the 60+ scale boys Nelson and Soren. Nelson is a nice match with the Soom old Super Gem body. Neck is perfect, the resin tone slightly off with Impl pink, but passable. Soren (white Impldoll Idol Sophia sculpt) is an absolutely impeccable match with the DF-A white resin and the head is like made for this body.