Plaice Arrives and Breaking Promises
Soooo, long time, no BJD posts here on my Blog section. I've been a bit frustrated over the slow connection in my area and how slowly this Wix loads for me, that I've found it a bit laboursome to do any new posts. I may need to lighten the load here and take away some of the galleries. I've also been busy learning to customize and photograph Blythes all summer and my Little Big Head blog is doing well with loads of activity from the past couple of months. Anyways, back to BJDs!!! IMPLDOLL My FB event Impldoll Plaice arrived today!!! Here he is...

That head cap is big, but luckily not as huge as I was afraid of. I'm thinking some wig will look ok on his mighty bauble. He was well worth getting for just the price of the shipping. Those ears are gorgeous and I love his softer, younger looking features. Impldoll was always generous with their events. I've been waiting to see a summer event from them, but nothing yet. I've been excited about the latest developments in the Impldoll repertoire. The new Star female body has gotten updated with the front slot legs for better posing, as well as new prettier and smaller hands!! Yay!!! Impldoll New Star female body modifications They've also released the new skintone chart and added a gorgeous new brown tone their selection. I'm already itching to get another Impldoll, even though I wasn't supposed to buy new resin this year. Dang! Hehe! I've started to think now a tan Lydia with the medium bust New Star body would be awesome with Delia as an extra head. I'd sure love me a tan version of my beloved Vanessa head too. I'm also looking at Otavia with the eye, possible in pink for the Star body I already have. I'm sooooo bad!! I'm also anxiously waiting for new Idol male heads. They really ought to get cracking and making some soon. They've added two categories on their website: White & Black and Black Shadow. I wonder if they have anything to do with the tattooed Idol body they posted on their Instagram... Seems like new limited series to me! ;) I'm hoping they will feature their Idol/Supermodel and Star line dolls. The only thing that concerns me with their latest releases is the strange bulge in the neck that I can see in the Alisa and Glenn promos. What is that?! Why is it there?! The neck length also seems to have been reduced in the latest girl dolls, particularly Aurora and Alisa. I love me a good long neck, so I hope to heck this is just a fluke with some of the heads and they're not making the actual necks any shorter!!! ANGELSDOLL I just discovered the Angelsdoll reboot website recently and their new releases Yul and Flora have started to spur my interest in a major way. The heads are gorgeous and I would like nothing better than to add them in my collection. The Angelsdoll website is currectly running a sales event until the 24th of August and the full doll price is pretty nice at the moment. However, 60cm girl body is a bit...squatty in look. I like the leg length, but it seems to have a bit too short a neck and too short a back to carry those heads around. Lovely realistic sculpting has gone into it, but it's so very short all around that it puzzles me. I'd be tempted by the price point and thought of getting another body option for my SD girls. The softer, more realistic and smooth sculpting appeals to me greatly.
* pictures here courtesy of Angelsdoll with a link to the original listing on their website:

This is Flora on the newer version of this 60cm body with the longer neck.

Yul head has a gorgeous little smile and delicate features. I really love this sculpt!

Flora sculpt has awesome full lips that are parted just a little. I always love that in BJD sculpts!
I noticed that they'd made the neck longer, but I needed to see either Flora or Yul heads on it to make up my mind about it. So, I mailed them and asked if the body in the body photos had the longer neck already. They confirmed that it did. It still looks short to me unfortunately. I might be able to lengthen it with a donut, but it's not ideal. I'll have to weigh the pros and cons here a while yet. Angelsdoll communication seemed very good and swift. This always makes me more comfortable when planning a purchase. Julia Pearl (Juliasdolls) on Flickr has a Yul on a Mirodoll 60cm body looking amazing: Full body shot Angelsdoll Yul/Miro60cm hybrid Pretty hybrid Soooo, I'd also have the option of just getting the girls' heads and using the 60cm and 62cm Miro bodies I already have. Julia was kind enough to take some photos for me of how the Yul head fits the Miro body neck and how the rotation is: Yul head on the Miro neck and tilt down Yul head on the Miro neck from the front and tilt to the side The tilt in all the directions that it matters to me is looking pretty good! Apparently the resin tone match is not quite perfect, but with a bit of blushing it ought to be fixable. Huge thanks to Julia for helping me out and providing such great pics and information on this hybrid! I may need to get a Yul head... or Yul and Flora heads... or Yul and Flora head with a body. Oh dear. So much for those "no more resin" New Year's promises!! *Btw, Julia also has a fun blog: featuring all kinds of dolls, including vintage fashion doll treasures, as well as her sewing projects for dolls.