B-Day Present & Resin Parts!
I've gotten myself a little birthday present! I spotted an in stock blank Bella Auden head at Dollmore. It said on the separate listing that it was a bit yellowed and it was on 30% sale. I immediately thought it might match my slightly yellowed Mirodoll 62cm body fabulously, so I snatched it, after some extensive Bella Auden googling. I had never paid much attention to this sculpt before. Skylar (that I already have), Keeley, Socheon, Claudia, Lisa Rubik... those have been my favourites for a long time, and I'd completely ignored Bella Auden. Well, no more!
This is picture from Dollmore site. There might be a slight problem with her head cap as well, by the looks of it, but I'm sure it's nothing too bad. I can't wait to get my b-day present for myself now and hope DM ships my head soon! :D I also hope the weather stays decent for a while yet, so that I'll have time to do her face-up!
I'm also placed a parts order with Impldoll recently. My white Idol body fell during a photoshoot and all the fingers in the left hand broke! They flew all around the room and I almost had a heart attack. I managed to collect them all and glue them back on, but I prefer to have replacement hands for that body, so I ordered a pair from Impldoll. They're having one of their mighty events again and I had to fight really hard to resist taking part in their generous autumn event again. Had it not been that my car broke in August and I had to pay quite the bill to get it fixed, I would've too. But as it is, I had to bow out this time. I'm also still waiting for them to wow me with a new sculpt. Gavin or the other newbies have not really done that much. But I'm fairly sure, sooner or later, they will... They always do! Hehe! ;)