Evie's Sanctum Nandi - deboxed!
I just received a VERY special parcel today. Ever since I saw first some of the prototype pics of this sculpt last spring, my flickr friend Evie's Nandi, I've been hoping to have it in my collection and now it's home!!! It's every bit as exciting as I had hoped it would be! I've had the privilege to kind of follow Evie's journey with this sculpt from the sidelines and it's so fantastic that this gorgeous sculpt is now cast and heading to new owners. I can't wait to start working on mine and see some of other people's versions of it. Anyways, here are some box opening pics. Here is Nandiiiiiiii!!

Nice certificate:

Some extras:

I also got as a gift some drawins from Evie. They're her own art work. Love that hippie guitarist in particular. Evie is quite the multitalent...

The sculpt from different angles.

I love that mouth and the hint of a smile - it's what really did me in. I like a couple of good humoured looking dolls in the middle of all the grumpy ones. Those eyes are going to be so much fun to work with too when doing a face-up. (I'll update here then when I get it done!). The sculpt is solid, no too thin parts anywhere in the resin, but it has a nice and sturdy feel. It's just as pro technically as any of my BJD heads too. The head cap has one hook and one good magnet that holds it steady really well.
The profile is nice and exotic!! Would work great enough for a fantasy character too!

I think I might be the first Nandi owner here, so I took also some comparison pics. First just to show the size and resin tone with my Elfdoll Eun-a head (normal). They're very similar in size.

I wasn't sure if I wanted my Nandi head to be a girl or a boy, so I did some body experimenting. These are the boy bodies I tried. It's definitely better suited for the 60 scale bodies. I like the Popodoll 62cm boy body the best proportion ways, but the resin match isn't great, because that body of mine is old and yellowed already. A fresh Popo one might work just fine. My old SoulDouble body here is way too pink in reality. The old type SG body is a bit big for the head size... maybe... but I don't hate that match either. The resin match is the best there.

My initial plan was to make Nandi a girl, but I already suspected that I might not have just the type of body that I'd want for a girl version Nandi. But I tried some girl body options anyway:

The Mirodoll 60cm body is a nice enough match to my eyes. The new Angeldoll 60cm body in normal is too pink for this Volks tone head and I find the neck too short for my personal taste. But it's a tough one... This sculpt really would lend itself fabulously for either female or male characters.
Well, I'm fairly sure I'm going with the Popodoll 62cm body option and making this head a boy. He's wearing 12mm eyes here, but the 14mm ones work fabulously too. He's got great eye wells and it's easy to positon the eyes in there. I'll just need to try some de-yellowing tricks on that body or try to blush the head to match the body. I just like this combo too much. So, I think I'll call him Nate!