Eastern Light Studio BJD Companion Animals arrive!!!
There's been some squealing, jumping, mad grinning, giggling, cuddling, gasping, stroking, petting, ooohing and aaahing going on today BIG TIME. And it's all because of my friend Maryam and a parcel I received from her today!!!!!!!!!!!!
I placed another order for 3 BJD companion animals with my super talented and skilled artist friend, Maryam of Eastern Light Studio, last November. This time I ordered a bunny, a fox and a lapdog. Maryam was sweet enough to let me pay for them completely at my own leasurely pace and it was just so exciting planning them each, one by one over the course of the winter. Well, I'd already finished paying for my loot, when I saw a sales ad Maryam had for a ferret. Well, I could not control myself and before I had time to blink an eye, I'd mailed Maryam and reserved him for myself. So, not three, but four.... I got a layaway plan for ferret too and then - today was the day I've been eagerly waiting the entire spring!!!! :D The animals are Home!!!!
Ok, without further ado, let's let the picture talk for themselves. Here's my box opening of my posable hand-crafted (made of synthetic fur) BJD companion animals in 1/3 scale:

All so neatly tucked in this box...

Here's who jumped out of the box first!! It's Finley The Ferret!! He is so unbelievably soft and smooth and slick, it's incredible!! My quick photo here does not do him justice at all, but I swear, I'll make it all up to him yet. He's so slender and amazingly formed.... I'm so in love with the colouring. I got to request custom colouring for him and Maryam really did gorgeous job on it. I love this little guy so much!!!

Next out of the box jumped my little bunny boy, Bogart!! Maryam had never made a bunny before and it was tricky to get the body armature working for this small an animal, but Maryam did it!!! I can't imagine how he could be more perfect though. He is fully posable all the way up to his ears! Bogey will my grail girl Little Monica Sophia's pet and I think they will make the most perfect duo! :) Does he not have the cutest little face ever!?!? And how well Maryam captured those bunny features in him.

Then leaped out my mighty Elroy The Fox! He's a royal rogue. I requested that the white tips of the fur remain on him, because he will have a bit of a fantasy role with my SD gang and he will mostly hang out with my elven folks. He truly embodies everything I hoped from this character. He's every bit as majestic as I hoped and even more realistic and finely detailed than I evereverever could've dreamed. He will also be such a fine pair with my ELS wolf Noos.

Is he not GORGEOUS?!?!?! I almost passed out from admiration when I dug him out of the box. He's such fine art, I'm at the moment afraid to even breathe in his direction. I know Maryam's animals are sturdy and so well made, they won't break from handling and posing, but I'm just in such awe of him... ;)

And here is Watson the dog! :D He's Llasa Apso breed and will make absolutely the most useful and most handy companion for my BJDs, I already know it! I have an Irish setter called Spencer already from ELS, a pretty big dog, so Watson is smaller and therefor easier to include in photos with the big SDs. I'm already planning dozens of shoots with Watson and my SDs in mind. You won't even believe how soft and gorgeous Watson is in reality. I'd just want to pet him day in day out.
There was one incredible thing about Watson. I asked Maryam to surprise me with the colouring for him. I did not give her any instructions or requests, I wanted to see her vision of it. Turns out Maryam made Watson almost identical in colouring to my late Havanaise dog Oscar!! Maryam had never seen photos of my Oscar, so she could not have known, but it just seems so mysterious and wonderful that she instinctively chose the exact colours and even the placement of the colours as well, that honour the memory of my beloved Oscar. This makes this little Watson all the more special to me yet!

Not three, not four, but boy oh boy, to my great surprise my parcel contained a fifth animal!!!! Maryam had made me the most adorable little hedgehog too!!!!!!! I was literally all giddy when I found him. We have a lot of hedgehogs on our yard in the summer time (some real personalities, I tell you!! Hehe!) and they're so much fun to observe going about. It was soooo amazing to find a miniature version of one in my box. I've decided to give it mainly to my Blythe dolls, who go outdoors a lot for photos in the summer. I think Hedgehog Hallie will have the most fun with them. Of course the BJDs will get to hang out with Miss Hedgehog as well should they wish to. :)

For a cherry on the top, I still got one f Maryam's amazing BJD necklaces for a gift as well. My elf girls and boys are going to have to fight over who gets to wear it first! I lovelovelove that feather pendant and it also has those turquoises that I've grown to think of as Maryam's signature gemstones.

Here they all are - The Famous Five!!!!

The weather was so lovely, sunny and warm, I did this box opening on my roof terrace. I had my real cat Ofelia there with me too. You can see her bum & tail there at the back of the picture. Hehe! It was such a special moment and I will never forget it.

A couple more pics of my amazing fuzzball gang yet!! :D I'm going to have so much fun with them this summer ...and for the rest of my days too. They will never leave my house, ever! Hehe! I could not love them each more if I tried. They're just perfection in my eyes.
I already know these animals will bring new enthusiam for me to take photos of my BJDs, who have been a bit neglected lately because of my Blythe obsession. Hehe! I can't wait to do the first proper photo shoots with these precious animals and my BJDs. :D
The whole lot of them looked this good right out of the box. I did not even have a comb with me to sort their furs out, so once I do that they will look even more sensational.

One more pic, because Bogey and Watson looked soooooooooooooooo cute!!!

Here's still a pic of the seal with which Maryam's authenticity certificates are bound together. Isn't it luxurious? Each of my animals has their own certificate too.

Thanks for viewing and sharing my special moment!! And THANK YOU, Maryam!!!! I LOVE my animals. You're a miracle worker, an artist beyond compare and one of the nicest and most beautiful people I know.