Mirodoll Hector & Apollo: Promos and Body Trials
I've gotten the smaller version Apollo and Hector heads from Mirodoll with their new 60cm male body! Now that I'm on my summer holiday, I had time to work on them. I did their face-ups last week and I've now been taking promo photos of them for Miro's website.
I also did a head swapping marathon and took some trial pics of these heads on other bodies, to show how the boys would look if they were taller than 60cm.
Mirodoll seemed pleased with the first results. They were few worded about the work I did: "The photos are great" the mail said. That was it - informative and useful as usual. Hehe! However, the feedback from the BJD hobbyists has been interesting! There's seems to be interest for the heads, but people would like to see both the heads on a bit taller bodies. I told Miro this already back when they planning on sending these boys, that I thought they'd look better proportioned on the new 66cm or the 68cm bodies, but Miro people told me they prefer them on this new 60cm body (sigh!). They've now promised again to send the 66cm body for these boys because of the feedback, but we'll see how this goes now. In the meanwhile, I've taken some more promos with the old and new 60cm bodies that I have here.
Apollo is on the slender 60cm new body and Hector on the beefier older 60cm body.

Today I really tried to style the daylights out of these boys and I quite loved the results myself. I was totally inspired to photograph them out there. I love both of them the best with shaggy fur wigs and loads of layers, hats and blue eyes... Hehe! So here they are:

Body Trials
Today, I also took some pictures of the boys with various bodies for the hobbyists to see. I used on some of my other bigger bodies to compare with Miro's own alternatives. The neck holes on these boys aren't big enough for the Impldoll Idol 70cm bodies or Miro's own 72cm body, and I just sold my only 70 scale slim DZ body. But maybe these photos will give some kind of an idea for people how these heads look on the taller 65-68cm bodies. If Miro now actually sends me that 66cm new body, I'll definitely take tons of pics with that then.
The Miro 68cm would be good for both heads as well. The proportion looks way better on that that on the Miro 60cm bodies. The new 60cm body looks way too short and thin t my eyes for these boys, but of course that's a personal preference and some hobbyists might love that combo.
I personally like both the heads the best on my Soom old SG body proportion ways. The neck is longer, as I like it yet, thick enough (10,5cm). The torso is long enough too. The head rotation is by far the best on the Soom SG as well. When I photograph these fellows just for my own pleasure, they'll be using the Soom SG for sure. This makes me suspect that the Miro 66cm, that I don't have (yet?), might just be the best body for these boys to default with. The Miro 66cm body has approximately the same neck size and height as the Soom SG.
I like the broader shoulders with th DZ 65cm, but the torso looks too short to me and the head did not functions well on the neck. It sunk too deep.
Apollo (smaller version) body tests

When ordering Apollo or Hector from Mirodoll, one should pay attention to the size they add to cart. Miro has 70 scale and 60 scale versions of these dolls. The 72cm version heads are HUGE, whereas these 60 scale version heads are pretty standard SD size. These body tests I share here below are ALL done with the SMALLER Apollo and Hector heads!!!

Hector (smaller version) body tests

Well, that was it! I hope someone out there finds this information useful and thanks for popping by to see the new Miro lads!! :)