The beginning of my Xmas holiday and it's an ImplFiesta! I'm having tons of fun with my new Impl girls Vanessa and Azalea. The girls have...

Vanessa Got a Face-up!
Last Tuesday I gave both my Impldoll super model Vanessa and my Impldoll Idol Azalea face-ups. I spend almost 4 hours working on the...

Impldoll Box Opening (sans Bernice)
My Bernice order from September came today!!! Only… without Bernice! ROFL! My gosh, my luck really is epic. I can’t but giggle at this...

Guen The Panther
My incredible custom order Eastern Light Studio 1/3 poseable black panther (by the highly skilled crafts artist my friend Maryam...

About BJD Buyers' Rights - PART 2
There are lot of unfair aspects to BJD buying from the buyers point of view. Regardless of our considerable attempts to upkeep and...

About BJD Buyers' Rights
Time to get political! It’s unbelievable what Asian BJD companies think they can pull. The perpetual lies and the poor customer service,...