Pondering upon how to present my case here. I still vaguely recall having made the promise to not buy any more dolls for now and to just...

Plastic Bag Couture
My Mirodoll Iris continues her modeling career with a fashion shoot featuring plastic bag couture! Chalyss on DoA happened to remark last...

The Beast is here!!!
My Beast version of Impldoll Idol Limited Loss of Brilliance Chad has just gotten his first photo shoot! Last weekend I simultaneously...

Chad(s) Finally In Action
Here is finally my Impldoll Chad in white skin with the new type scarred Idol body, the one I ordered back in February. This guy arrived...

My 3rd version of Impldoll Gnaeus
Introducing Moss - Impldoll Idol bearded Gnaeus with a face-up by my little sister. This was her 2nd ever face-up and it's so gorgeous!!!...

Mirodoll Experiments
I took some comparison photos today of my Mirodolls and Mirodoll bodies and did some experiments with Dollmore and Impldoll parts....