17 Mirodolls
I got the sudden urge this weekend to see all my Mirodoll in one frame. It took me hours to get everyone dressed properly. Hauling them...

Spring At Heart - Mirodolls in nature
It was one darn loooooong and cooooold winter. Well, it's May Day and I've got a load of BJD pics to share from outdoors. We don't have...

Mirodoll Promos Added
I've added samples of all the Mirodoll promo photos I've taken into the Mirodoll gallery here on my website as well. Some are pictures...

Too Much Excitement... for one little Holly!
My 1/6 Goodreau Holly had an exciting day yesterday. Among other things, she was in a dog's mouth. Yes, that happened. I went on my usual...

More on Mirodoll & some on Minas
I've ended up with a few more Mirodoll heads and bodies. I've added some of my photos of them to the Mirodoll gallery already! ;) Just...