Plans for Chat The Yeti
I did some quick sketches about the ideas I have for my up-coming Chad. I already mentioned earlier, I'm planning on turning my white...
A Shoutout For Fantasy Parts!
I asked Impldoll if they're thinking of releasing claw hands for the Idols, since they seem to be moving towards fantasy in their latest...

Idol posing experiments
I've got new (well, technically old actually) upper leg parts for my Idol boys! I've really loved the pose-ability of the Impldoll Idol...

New skintones
Impldoll seems to have renewed some of their skintones. The 2013 skintone chart does not seem to be quite accurate anymore. I ordered a...
Chad and Adela on order!
I placed my order today!!! I've very excited. I ordered a white skin Chad (both fantasy and human heads included) and a white skin Young...

Wild Thing!!!
Chad from the limited Loss of Brilliance line is OUT!!! Check him out at: http://www.impldoll.com/goods.php?id=659 . Ever since the...

"Face-upping" bearded Gnaeus
I ended up with a blank real skin bearded Gnaeus head some time ago and for the first time tried my hand on an Impldoll sculpt. I've done...

New Idol body! Werewolf boy?
Impldoll has a new banner photo with some very exciting news! They're coming out soon with a new Idol male body and a fantasy Idol guy....
What's up with the red forehead?
While Impldoll has over the years done very classic face-ups for their dolls, the new more realistic trend has entered into their...

Impldoll Inspirations
My new Impldoll fan site up!! I used to have a site called Impldoll Fandom, but I wanted something different - a bit of a shift in focus...