Mirodoll Jared - The Man!
Mirodoll has already updated their website with my photos of their newest dolls, but I've been so inspired by the Sally and Jared in...

New Mirodoll promos by me!
Mirodoll has updated their website with some of my new photos of their dolls. Here's Miro's excitingly realistic new sculpt 1/3 JARED...

Mirodoll Sally and Peng with face-ups!
I did the re-stringing and sueding yesterday afternoon on my new Mirodolls. It was so windy all day that I had to wait until late in the...

Mirodoll Loot
I got a funfunfun parcels from Mirodoll today!!! One contained my new beautiful burnt sugar Sally in her 62cm height with the big bust....

DoA Witch Hunts are back!
Yesterday to my great shock, I learned that Mirodoll had been banned from Den of Angels. That's how they chose to word it. In fact, a...

Spring At Heart - Mirodolls in nature
It was one darn loooooong and cooooold winter. Well, it's May Day and I've got a load of BJD pics to share from outdoors. We don't have...

Mirodoll's 66cm Hector and Apollo
I've gotten their newest 66cm male body for my Mirodoll Apollo and Hector (smaller version heads) and the lads are looking pretty...

Mirodoll Hector & Apollo: Promos and Body Trials
I've gotten the smaller version Apollo and Hector heads from Mirodoll with their new 60cm male body! Now that I'm on my summer holiday, I...

Eastern Light Studio BJD Companion Animals arrive!!!
There's been some squealing, jumping, mad grinning, giggling, cuddling, gasping, stroking, petting, ooohing and aaahing going on today BIG...

Mirodoll Promos Added
I've added samples of all the Mirodoll promo photos I've taken into the Mirodoll gallery here on my website as well. Some are pictures...