Angelsdoll Comparison
Angelsdoll just released a handsome 70 scale body and a new boy called Evan last week. He's a fine piece of male resin and very...

Evie's Sanctum Nandi - deboxed!
I just received a VERY special parcel today. Ever since I saw first some of the prototype pics of this sculpt last spring, my flickr...

Bella's face-up & Impl Gloria
Here's the face-up I did for Bella in October. I kept it rather natural and neutral toned, so that she can do all kinds of themes and...

Dollmore Bella Auden - Box Opening!
My birthday present for myself, Dollmore Bella Auden head, arrived yesterday!! She came in a very pretty little black box with beautiful...

The Evolution of Idol Male Body
There's a new Impldoll Idol body, version VI then... well, I was a bit confused about it. The evolution of the Idol body has been...

B-Day Present & Resin Parts!
I've gotten myself a little birthday present! I spotted an in stock blank Bella Auden head at Dollmore. It said on the separate listing...

Face-ups for Yul and Flora
I gave both my new big girls face-ups last weekend. Here's my lovely Angesldoll Yul with a face-up. She's styled as a blond and as a...

Angelsdoll Flora and Yul - Box Opening
I placed my Angelsdoll summer event order on the 3rd of August and yesterday it arrived!! This has got to be some kind of a speed record....

Face-up for Impldoll Plaice
Last Friday I gave a face-up for my Impldoll FB event head Plaice. He's already had time to have 3 photo shoots now and he's proving tons...

Coming and Going
COMING I did it!! I placed the order for Angelsdoll 60cm girl full doll Flora and Yul head in normal skin yesterday! Apparently waiting...